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Obrist America-Ben Bridge-Jeweler-Honolulu

Jeweler Ben Bridge


Jeweler Ben Bridge
Honolulu, Hawaii

Jeweler Ben Bridge has undergone renovations for its watch and jewelry stores in Honolulu, Hawaii, and Seattle, Washington. Obrist had the privilege of managing the store construction. We led the project, overseeing technical development, construction, production, logistics, and assembly. Take a sneak peek at the new Honolulu store before its grand opening.


As a specialist in luxury retail and store fitting, Obrist brought its expertise to create these exceptional spaces.

Obrist America-Ben Bridge-Jeweler-Honolulu
Obrist America-Ben Bridge-Jeweler-Honolulu
Obrist America-Ben Bridge-Jeweler-Honolulu

Corrado Tona

Chief Executive Officer
Cell 646-932-5504

Residential Interiors

We ensure the interior of your residential or business premises is a reflection of your personality.