Would you like a personal interview or do you have an inquiry?
Please send us a short message or your documents and we will contact you immediately: mail@obrist-interior.com.
Our dedicated project specialists will be your guide through the entire process. From your first consultation to budgeting, structural planning, and implementation, they will ensure every aspect of your journey with us is seamless.
This ensures the highest level of communication between our engineers so they can deliver incredible results.
In the beginning, there is a vision… of which an incredible interior is the result. Our precise planning and organization make your vision come true. Working hand in hand with you, our project managers carefully oversee time management, budget, and deadlines.
Functionality is the brain and design is the heart. Together, they form an extraordinary personality. Our engineers expertly blend strong functionality with bold, sophisticated design and state-of-the-art technology.
Listening, asking questions, discussing, and implementing: for us, that is what Consulting is all about. Our work is based on know-how and experience. In dialogue with you, we create interiors that bear your signature.
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