Would you like a personal interview or do you have an inquiry?
Please send us a short message or your documents and we will contact you immediately: mail@obrist-interior.com.
We marry traditional craftsmanship with the latest technologies and production methods. Our expert teams of consultants, project managers, designers, and production engineers work hand in hand. Their expertise is reflected in the transformative shop fittings and interiors they create.
In our Swiss in-house manufactory, the production staff have the latest technology and equipment at their disposal. Their know-how, passion, and professional pride are unmatched anywhere else.
Obrist ensures that our top-quality interiors for commercial and residential premises are swiftly and safely delivered, and then installed.
Perfectly made, exquisite quality items deserve handling with the utmost care. Our trusted transport and installation staff guarantee their safe delivery.
Because things need to be seen in real life first, we create prototypes and unique specimens for you to see and understand what we are crafting. You will witness our employees’ experience, creativity, and aesthetics in their unique prototypes.
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